Nuwe navorsing het aan die lig gebring dat daar vyf tipes prostaatkanker is. Die bevindings gaan beslis verander hoe dokters prostaatkanker behandel.
Deur die onderskeie abnormale chromosome te bestudeer en die aktiwiteit van 100 verskillende gene wat met die kanker verbind word te meet kon hulle vyf verskillende tipes gewasse identifiseer.
Prostaatkanker is die mees algemene kanker wat by mans gediagnoseer word. Een van die navorsers, Prof. Malcolm Mason, het die volgende gesê oor prostaatkanker: “The challenge in treating prostate cancer is that it can either behave like a pussycat - growing slowly and unlikely to cause problems in a man's lifetime - or a tiger - spreading aggressively and requiring urgent treatment. But at the moment we have no reliable way to distinguish them. This means that some men may get treatment they don't need, causing unnecessary side effects, while others might benefit from more intensive treatment.”
“This research could be game-changing if the results hold up in larger clinical trials and could give us better information to guide each man's treatment - even helping us to choose between treatments for men with aggressive cancers. Ultimately this could mean more effective treatment for the men who need it, helping to save more lives and improve the quality of life for many thousands of men with prostate cancer.”
Die navorsers is van die Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute en die Addenbrooke Hospital. Die studie is gepubliseer in EBioMedicine.
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